
Social Media Luke Waite Social Media Luke Waite

Why Social Won't Save Your Life

At least once a week, a prospective client reaches out seeking one or or all of the following via social media: to grow followers, increase visibility, sell more product, etc. These conversations aren’t always easy because the expectation has been set by folks that you just set up an instagram account and then you just grow organically out of nowhere with no strategy or plan.

The myth is, if your brand just does social right, all your problems will be solved. You’ll have more sales than you can keep up with, you’ll have to hire people faster than you want and your brand will be in front of the masses, just like that! But this is the myth.

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Branding, Marketing Luke Waite Branding, Marketing Luke Waite

Building Your Brand Beyond Social

The connectivity that a brand or person can now have due to social platforms is unprecedented. The fact that a person can keep up with a friend who lives in a different state or that one of our green coffee clients can reach out directly to the folks cultivating and processing coffee - instantaneously, for free, internationally at any time through any of the apps that went down is wildly unprecedented. Just a few decades ago, the best mankind had was a car phone and now we carry around little computers that can get directions to dinner, find a life partner, or order pizza without leaving the chair you are sitting in is pretty amazing.

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Luke Waite Luke Waite

Branding - Cross Platform Consistency

With the advent of C19 which has accelerated all things digital, it has brought with it a need for continual digital branded content to be streaming out of your brand. This need for continual content has created an issue for some brands who are not used to creating content at this scale. The issue is that quality content takes time to ideate, create, and produce. (Not to mention the time it takes to interact with a brand’s audience once the content has been published, but that is a topic for another day). If your brand does not have a structure for what this content looks, sounds, and feels like...your brand can quickly become quite messy and soon begin to feel like it’s in opposition to the brand at large or at best a spin off from the original brand.

In this blog, you'll find 6 steps you can take to create brand consistency across all platforms:

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Marketing Luke Waite Marketing Luke Waite

Designing Intentional Brand Visuals

No one sets out to build a brand that just adds to the noise. In our experience, folks are excited about releasing their passion into their brand in an intentional way. You know, that thing inside of them that they’ve been wanting for so long. Perhaps they can't quite put their finger on what it looks or feels like but it's in their heart and they will know it when they see it.

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How "bad" content can be used for good.

What happens when you create something “bad” intentionally and then use that leverage to your advantage? This year, we saw Oatly (who full disclosure, I’m a huge fan of and so is my tummy) create a “bad” commercial and then begin pushing shirts out on the streets that say “I Totally Hated That Oatly Commercial.” Don’t believe me that it wasn’t bad? Check it out for yourself here. They also made it on to the list of worst super bowl commercials of 2021.

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