

How "bad" content can be used for good.

What happens when you create something “bad” intentionally and then use that leverage to your advantage? This year, we saw Oatly (who full disclosure, I’m a huge fan of and so is my tummy) create a “bad” commercial and then begin pushing shirts out on the streets that say “I Totally Hated That Oatly Commercial.” Don’t believe me that it wasn’t bad? Check it out for yourself here. They also made it on to the list of worst super bowl commercials of 2021.

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Consulting Luke Waite Consulting Luke Waite

Building a Brand vs. Building A Business

What is the difference between building a brand and building a business? A brand is built to help the end consumer while a business is simply a transactional process between two or more parties. Brands can transcend market ebbs and flows due to loyalty that has been built over the long haul while businesses will struggle to preserve without that loyalty. Building a business can be faked but building a brand can only be faked for so long until your audience realizes that you can’t deliver what is expected every time.

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