Marissa Childers & Ethan Darla - Tanbrown Coffee
The big takeaway from this #GFDGW is to build relationships with the folks you are working with where they be business partners or vendors because the, “Relationship is the guarantee.”
Thanks @marzachan & @ethandarla for sharing how you came together to form @tanbrowncoffee and the beautiful future you are building through it.
Chloe Troub - Social Media Strategist
Luke had the privilege of chatting with Chloe (@campingwithclo) to hear about her path through coffee, fashion, social media to design and travel that led her to The Lev Co.
Sean Warner - Honduran Coffee Alliance
Luke had the privilege of chatting with Sean (@hondurancoffeealliance) to hear about his journey from aerospace into specialty coffee.
Benjamin Montgomery - Yaggy Road Roasting Co.
Luke had the privilege of chatting with the owner of Yaggy Road Roasting Co, Benjamin Montgomery (@yaggyroad) to hear about their path to coffee roasting and their desire to showcase the good work producers are doing at origin.