Luke Waite Luke Waite

Patrick Lau - CEO of Savor Brands

Thank you Patrick and the rest of the @savorbrands team for leading our industry by example in Pono…doing what is right.

I (Luke) am leaving this conversation reminded once again that there is more work to in making our industry and our world a better place.

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Luke Waite Luke Waite

Xavier Alexander - Co Founder of Metric Coffee

“How much do you need and can I pay more?” - @proleteriat

These kinds of questions we should be asking in our industry to begin to create real conversations around equitable prices.

Thank you Xavier for leading by example, putting your money where your mouth is and reminding us to not lose sight of caring for the people around you today in an effort to make a larger impact on the industry tomorrow.

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Luke Waite Luke Waite

Sarah Fillmore - Good Intentions Coffee

“Would my mom feel comfortable here?” - Sarah Fillmore

Such a great question to ask when evaluating an environment or experience.

In this interview, we got to chat with Sarah from @good_intentions_coffee about what a good cafe experience looks like, how she got into the coffee industry and the good she’s bringing into the world through her company.

One of the phrases that stood out to us was, “I came for a job and left with a career.” This sentence and sentiment is so familiar to us here at The Lev Co and one we hear often with the folks we work with. The coffee industry is a special place and one that needs all kinds of folks to bring their unique perspectives and gifts to.

Thank you, Sarah, for bringing your unique perspective to our industry through @good_intentions_coffee.

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Luke Waite Luke Waite

Chris Deferio - Keys To The Shop

Our 🔑 takeaway from our interview with Chris of @keystotheshop is- perspective provides clarity.

Seeking the perspective of our community & team should provide us with the clarity to helps us make decisions from a place if need filling vs. making decisions based on comparison.

Thanks for sharing your story and insights with us Chris!

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Luke Waite Luke Waite

George Davis Jr. - Muse Coffee Studio

“It wasn’t the coffee, it was the experience that drew me in.” - George of @musecoffeestudio

We couldn’t agree more and see this expressed in the way that you welcome guests and make them feel like family as they go about their day.

The big takeaway from this one for us is to get comfortable with what you don’t know and seeking out advisors who can help you along your journey:

George, thanks for joining us and for sharing about the work you do! Can’t wait to stop back in for a delicious seasonal drink.

Book 📕 recs:
- the fire next time
- atomic habits

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