

8 Ways to Crush a Product Release

A few years back, I was working at a coffee roaster doing education…which meant I did account management, inside sales, events, and a whole bunch of other things. One of the “other things” I was involved in, was communicating to our current clients about the new coffees that we were about to launch. Sounds simple, right? Wrong! Every single time a coffee was released, I remember it being an intense, grueling, and cumbersome month(s) long process. Once, I remember, we received a coffee early in the summer and didn't release it till we were well into the fall.

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Luke Waite Luke Waite

Taking on Projects Outside of Your Wheelhouse

Lets’ face it, we all from time to time have to take on projects that are not in our wheelhouse. Either we are taking on a project as a stretch goal, taking over a project for a colleague, or have started a new job with new tasks that aren’t familiar just yet.

It happens to all of us. The unfortunate reality for some of us is that our businesses are running on a skeleton crew and those who are still working trying to keep the business alive are most likely taking on new projects that might be a stretch.

Here are a few quick tips to tackle even the hardest of projects that seem outside of your wheelhouse altogether.

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