The Lev Co

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Sarah Fillmore - Good Intentions Coffee

“Would my mom feel comfortable here?” - Sarah Fillmore

Such a great question to ask when evaluating an environment or experience.

In this interview, we got to chat with Sarah from @good_intentions_coffee about what a good cafe experience looks like, how she got into the coffee industry and the good she’s bringing into the world through her company.

One of the phrases that stood out to us was, “I came for a job and left with a career.” This sentence and sentiment is so familiar to us here at The Lev Co and one we hear often with the folks we work with. The coffee industry is a special place and one that needs all kinds of folks to bring their unique perspectives and gifts to.

Thank you, Sarah, for bringing your unique perspective to our industry through @good_intentions_coffee.

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Sarah Fillmore - Good Intentions Coffee The Lev Co