The Lev Co

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If Your Brand Was A Person, Who Would They Be?

Who is my brand?

It’s a big question but one that you and your team should be able to answer. If you can’t clearly articulate who your brand is, neither can your team and your audience wont be able to either. Much of the brand and culture will be defined by the founder of an organization.

At The Lev Co, we believe that people can change and even for the better. They can learn from their past to build a better future. One where they communicate in the ways they want to. To take a stand on the things they believe in and perhaps even tell a joke or two or maybe even three. We see brands in much the same way. They have a life and a personality that isn’t static but either further develops or regresses.

An example of this sort of development was how brands were responding to the pandemic and the wild year that was 2020. There were brands who rarely spoke of justice prior to March of 2020 begin to speak actively about what they believed. Some took this to be performative and to be sure, some of it was. However, we would like to believe that some of this was due to brands and organizations learning, growing and further developing who they are as brands.

So if your brand was a person, who would they be? While it might be a hard question to answer it’s worth getting to know your brand on a personal level. Start by answering the 4 questions below. Two things to remember, 1. there are no wrong answers as you are developing answers to these questions and 2. you will continually return to these and perhaps even make tweaks to these answers because your brand should always be developing and growing.

What does my brand sound like?

If your brand was person, would they be loud or more subdued? This is really more of a question of tone or the attitude your brand might convey. For instance, The Lev Co has an established tone that is real, helpful and truthful. So, what does your brand sound like?

What does my brand look like?

This is more of a visual question, meaning does your brand convey a well kept clean crips vibe or more of a raw and real look? For us, we’ve chosen to visually represent our brand using geometric shapes, heart monitor’s to represent life and the heart, as well as plants and animals to represent earth and life. So what does your brand look like?

How does my brand communicate?

This is similar to tone but more about communication style. Meaning, does your brand present large quantities of information or just the cliff-notes? No one likes their time wasted, so we have chosen to keep things as brief as possible. Sometimes that isn’t possible when communicating complex concepts but whenever possible we try to synthesize things and communicate in cliff-notes versus long form. How would you say your brand communicates?

What emotions does my brand communicate?

Emotion can be communicated through photos, videos, illustrations as well as audio or even in person. While there are certainly folks in marketing and business who advocate for never showing emotion, we’ve never advocated for that at The Lev Co. Never say never of course, but in general, emotion is something that allows for connection with your audience because your audience experiences emotions just like you do and your brand is no different. By way of a reminder, there is no wrong answer here, but at The Lev Co we have chosen to lean into emotions. You know, real life sort of stuff. Do we do it perfect? No, but thats also part of our brand. So how does your brand communicate emotion?

If you don’t know who your brand is, start by asking the four questions above and remember this is a process not something that can just happen overnight.

Have more questions about your brand, we’d love to help you and talk through this, so feel free to reach out! You can reach us at or you can find us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @thelevco.

Be well!