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Get After It!

Authored By: Luke Waite

Here’s the deal, if you want to grow as a person, team, business…whatever, you have to get after it. I’m not saying that you manifest your own destiny, but I am saying that you do not sit on the couch watching The Office. While there is much to learn from The Office, you do not need to keep sitting there bingeing it on the regular. Rather, get off the couch and get yourself a pen and paper and start making a list of what you want to do and what you are about to do to accomplish that thing. It’s not going to do itself, so go out there and get after it!

Growth Starts With You, The Leader

Yes, you are on a team and you do work together, but it is your job as a leader to be the catalyst of this growth. Your team or business needs to feel the inertia of your growth sucking them into their own growth. They need to see and feel that whatever is around you grows. I know, you’ve already heard this but…lead by example…no really…lead by example. It is worth it for your own well being and for the wellbeing of your team.

As soon as you become stagnant you have become the problem. There is still time though! You do not have to be the problem forever. You have time right now, today, to become the reason that you and your team turns the corner and has a huge breakthrough towards growth. Yes! This can be you and it should be. Not just for yourself, but for your team as well. Grow yourself so that the people around you can grow themselves.